Thursday, June 30, 2011

Week 3 / 4

I know that the blog week count is only up to 3, but somehow I've been back to work for 4 weeks now. Not sure how that happened, but I did manage to get paid this week so all is well!

I have been learning more and more about Saudi ARAMCO as a corporation and am impressed at where thet have come from and are now headed. Just to give some perspective, the company started in 1930 and was primary a production company for US majors Exxon, Texaco and Chevron. In 1980s the Saudi company bought out the oil majors and began a journey on it's own. In early 90's it started getting into refining and gasoline, and now is getting into Petrochemicals. In each industry the company is #1 in oil, 5 in refining and 12 in chemicals. By 2020 ARAMCO expects to be a leader in each. Along the way of this journey ARAMCO has built several major hospitals, a major university next to the HQ here, a cultural events center and hundreds of miles of highway and rail. Impressive for a company that has bees independent for only 30 years or so.

I included a couple photos of headquarters and the brand new RD center here in Dhahran. My office is in the 'Tower building' on the 9th floor (next to the top). The Tower is the largest building. The RD center is brand new and starting to staff up. I've been to a few meetings in the facility and it is very nice.

On the home front, I was quite excited to buy a microwave, toaster and a tool set this past weekend. Now I feel much more normal as I can heat up some food like it's the 2010 and not the 1980s again and can fix anything that breaks. Next steps will be real furniture. ARAMCO has given me somethings to use rent free, but as one of my colleagues said the other day - so this is where all the uncomfortable disco furniture went! Anyways, Lauren thinks I should get a bright orange couch. We will have to see.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Week two

I've made two weeks on the job here in KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). It is amazing to me how hard it is to remember everyone's name that you meet. For example, I've been to three of four meetings this week with 8 - 10 people. Everyone will introduce themselves, then the meeting happens. Every will remember my name (as the 'new guy'), then after the meeting stalkie conversation about something else! I find I can recall about 2 or 3 names! I guess everyone is right that memory is the first thing to go!  Above is one of the desert scenes from the back of camp, it really makes the rest of camp look like an oasis. 

Outside of work I have found the lap pool (quite nice it is chilled at 78 degrees F). A real relief as the high here has been 110 F all week long. I found there is an informal masters swim workout at 5:15 am, but haven't made it over there yet.

Right behind my town home is a lighted jogging / walking path. It makes a loop of about 2 miles of trail next to golf course and 1 mile on sidewalk next to road. Every 1/2 mile there is a water station that is refilled with water and ice twice a day.

One of the big things to do here in the evening is lighted golf. It gets dark here about 7:00 in the evening. Many folks play after the sun goes down because it is cooler and less windy. Oh, I forgot to mention, the wind here blows around a lot of dust, especially through the summer. So it I s quite nice to be out under the lights.

The course here is extremely well lit as the lights are taller than many of the HS fields in The Woodlands.

I am still trying to get used to the work week (weekends are thursday and Friday). Most folks here tell me thy haven't adjusted after 10+ years.

More next week!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Len town home

Len arrived in his town home Friday about 12:30 local time. Luckily he didn't have to work on saturday! The work week here is Saturday through Wednesday!

Sunday was orination where I met 17 other jet lagged friends. Most of whom are also from Houston.(;

Monday through wednesday were normal work days. I learned that the folks here really need my help! ARAMCO wants to get into petrochemicals in a big way, but everyone seems to think that means something different! Well I met with the corporate transition teapm amd this does sound like a lot of fun!

The Bachelor Pad
Bachelor life is rather lame. I have made a few friends at work, in the neighborhood and at the gym/pool. They have a chilled pool here for lap swimming only. I expect to use that facility a lot. I joined the Rolling Hills golf club, and played 18 this morning. It is truly deser golf so you need to drive the ball well.
The Golf Course

This is what happens if you don't hit the ball in the fairway.

The town home is nice, has LR, KIT, DR, BR downstairs and MB, BATH upstairs. Not quite up to The Woodlands town ones in East Shore, but very American. I did just get an HDTV and satellite, so I am settling in slowly. Most things take more time here than in US, so every tells me to be patient
New TV!