Saturday, January 18, 2014

Len 2014 Jan

Hello Friends and Family

I wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten about the blog, but 2013 was a busy year. Now that we are in 2014 I made a resolution to do some more blogging and keep y'all up to date. Besides that it is raining in Saudi today and too sloppy to swim, bike, run or play golf.  So it must be a good day to get the blog started again.

One thing of interest, I was elected President of our Rolling Hills Golf Club here on the Saudi Aramco camp. We have about 500 members and organize 2 tournaments per month and several social activities. The position has nothing to do with golf ability as I still manage a 14 handicap and am actually too busy at work this year to focus on my game. The photo is actually my election photo!

I did spend some time traveling this year. Some photos include a famous tire icon, Paris, views from the Alps in a Corporate jet, Ghent (which is a picturesque place) and Dubai which is building like crazy.

Jane and I also built our second home in WV (two miles from PA line and about 20 minutes from Jane's mother). The house is on a steep hill and one street from Cheat Lake. The plan is to be in WV in summer and The Woodlands in the winter during retirement. (For any of you who may be Mountaineer fans, we are 15 minutes from the stadium. Most people in are neighborhood are not going to like my VA Tech flag, I am sure they won't understand a CMU flag!)

On the work side, I am now part of a Chemicals Strategy Group. My boss (a US guy named Pat Rooney, formerly of CMAI) reports to the VP and we are also Chartered to execute the company's inorganic growth strategy (e.g. M&A). Last year we made our first acquisition of a technology company Novomer. Wish us luck!

Well that's what's new for now from the Middle East.