Thursday, February 16, 2012

Len is back at work

Dear Friends and Family

It is February in the Middle East and that means the cool mornings and evenings are starting to come to an end.   Many of us are hoping spring time this year will be more weather related and less politically motivated than last year!

That being said, I have been working some long hours the past month or so.  I've got two major initiatives that are starting to show some progress, so I am quite happy about that.  Not much for public discussion, but it is very interesting when we develop a spreadsheet outlining our position in the refining industry and a week later that same information shows up in a speech made by the CEO.

I was able to purchase a triathlon bike from someone on camp, so I've started riding again!  There is a good 10 mile loop that has some nice uphills (longest about 1.5 miles) and some down hills you can really hammer on!  I've been staying in shape with the swimming and biking and Pilates (on my own).   I am actually feeling like I am getting in shape again!

A couple highlights from the local area.  I'm not sure I mentioned the restaurants, but at the two malls off camp (about 1 mile away) have just about every US restaurant from McD's to Macaroni Grill.  A number of us have been going on Wednesday night to have a 'guys' night out dinner.

One night my neighbor and I went to look at Harley's (for him naturally).  It was an interesting experience, meeting the Saudi biker crowd..  Not quite the same as the older professionals in the US looking for a second adolescence. Mainly a lot of young Saudi's looking to have some fun.  Anyway, I took a photo of one of the more interesting bikes, it was essentially list price in the US.  ( I couldn't get the photo to rotate, not sure why).

I also had a business trip to one of my favorite cities -- London.  Had a few good meetings, plus got very lucky on the crowds and weather.  I took a few photos that I thought would share (those of you with teenagers may want to let them know what a phone booth is....).  I also included a photo of the original Big Ben (not to be confused with good old number 7).  Speaking of the Steelers, I thought they had a very good season but were just too beat up to go far in the playoffs.  I also wasn't sad to see the offensive coordinator go, they had way too much clock mismanagement for my tastes.

Finally, I did manage to have a birthday last month and went to Bahrain with a few friends for dinner.  Had a great Italian dinner and a good bottle of wine, then they surprised me with a cake.  BTW thanks for all the birthday wishes on FB!

I will be in Houston for Spring Break for my next trip to the States.  Hope to see some of y'all then!