Thursday, July 21, 2011

Week 7

Hello again fro KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

This post is aimed at flowers of the desert. Just to give you an idea of the weather here, I have been here for about two months now and it hasn't rained once. In fact, it hasn't even been cloudy! It is amazing to some degree that things grow, yet alone bloom at this time of year.

The pictures are taken along the desert jogging path. They have been planted, but they are native plants. Some are watered with spot sprinklers. The cacti however don't get a lot of help.

The white and red flowers remind me of magnolia and oleander that we see in the souther US. However the plants have thicker leave and the blooms last for weeks.

The yellow is a cactus. The cactus bush is about 3 feet tall and 8 feet in diameter. It is huge. It does have the thorns like Snoopy's brother found in the comics. These cool looking plants are everywhere.

The final tree. Is actually a date tree. You can see the almost ripe dates hanging from the middle of the tree. People say that they gather them up from thier yards and use the dates!

That brings this post to a close.